Rome 1926. The Honourable Violet Gibson tries to assassinate Benito Mussolini. She misses. Mussolini puts a bandage on his nose and carries on with his plans for dictatorship.
Another 2 inches to the right and Violet would have changed the entire sweep of world history.
The world is full of dictators who grow old in their tyranny and corruption because we are not as brave, or as mad, as Violet Gibson was.
– Collins
Saint, subversive, prophet or madwoman? I Shot Mussolini is the story of an eccentric Irish woman who wanted to kill Mussolini and the Italian policeman who wanted to find out why.
Bishop’s direction has a good handle on the absurdly comic.
Arts Review
Written and Directed by Alice Bishop
Additional Research and Italian Translation by Heather Lythe.
Based in part on Richard Collins’ manuscript The Irish Baron’s Daughter and Mussolini’s Nose.
Projection design by Salvador Castro
Lighting design by Stelios Karagiannis
Sound design by Nat Grant
Performed by Bridgette Burton, Michael F. Cahill,
Anthea Davis, Sophie Lampel, Marco Lawrence,
Heather Lythe, Matthew Molony and Greg Parker
Stage Manager Hayley Fox
Image by Alice Bishop
The production excels at clawing into provocative satire of sexual politics, and has a knack for capturing the play’s deflationary humour.
Sydney Morning Herald