Featuring Bella Li, Ross Donlon, Harry Reid and Rose Lucas.
BELLA LI is the author of ‘Argosy’ which won the 2018 Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for Poetry and the 2018 NSW Premier’s Literary Award for Poetry, and ‘Lost Lake’ which was shortlisted for the 2018 QLD Literary Award for Poetry.
ROSS DONLON is the author of ‘The Blue Dressing Gown and other poems’, ‘Sjovegen’ and ‘Lucidity’. He is a recipient of the MPU International Poetry Prize, the Launceston Cup and the Dorothy Hewett Flagship Fellowship.
HARRY REID is a Melbourne poet whose work has appeared in Cordite, Australian Poetry Journal, Overland, The Lifted Brow and elsewhere. They also co-host Sick Leave, a monthly reading series at the Gasometer Hotel.
ROSE LUCAS‘ first collection, ’Even in the Dark’ (UWAP 2013) won the Mary Gilmore Award; her second collection, ‘Unexpected Clearing’ (UWAP) was published in 2016. She is currently completing her third collection, ‘This Shuttered Eye’.