An action story in the world’s most dangerous and exciting library

Set in 1983, the year of the world’s first laptop, young Hugo sneaks his father’s computer to school to play games. After nearly getting caught, Hugo hides the laptop in a library bookshelf which spins him into an endless labyrinth. Not only is Hugo trapped but the robot from the computer game starts eating the books! Helped by Merlin the Wizard, Hugo must use his imagination and characters from three books –Peter Pan, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and The Sword in the Stone, to save the library and find his way home.

Writer/performer: Mark Penzak. Set: Eliza-Jane Gilchrist. Merlin Puppet: Lulu Lala. Music and sound design: Andrée Cozens

Image by Eliza-Jane Gilchrist

Content Warning: Haze

Access Information:
Age Group Symbol

Age Group: 3 – 10 years

Visual rating 50%: Events are partly subtitled or include dialogue, background music and/or sounds, so d/Deaf and hard of hearing audiences can have some engagement with the event.

Aural Rating 50%: Has both sound and visual components, but sight isn’t essential to be able to engage with the event.