A poetic gag reflex. A queer reinterpretation of the incredibly weird yet problematic yet also powerful manifesto of Jack Parson’s “Freedom is a two edged sword” by local punk band and deviants, NQW.

What is destiny? Who are we to fight against the pull of “meant to be”? Freedom is a Double edged sword is a visual gag reflex to the current pull of the tide. A weird, hilarious group of people explore a problematic manifesto and just, like….get weird and stuff.

Content Warning: Blood

Concept: Lia Stark

Facilitator: Brendan Ewing

Collaborators: NQW the band

Image by Lia Stark

Access Information:

Relaxed Performance Symbol

Relaxed Performance: 3rd December, Saturday

Visual rating 50%: Events are partly subtitled or include dialogue, background music and/or sounds, so d/Deaf and hard of hearing audiences can have some engagement with the event.

Aural Rating 50%: Has both sound and visual components, but sight isn’t essential to be able to engage with the event.