Rebuild La Mama Support
Thank you La Mama Lovers! Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the La Mama Lovers out there who have donated to the La Mama Rebuild!
What an extraordinary community we have, that came together to raise a whopping $3,226,541 to make La Mama’s future possible.
We promise to honour this incredible community commitment by building, nurturing and loving the next version of the La Mama we all care so deeply for, the theatre for you, for your La Mama.
Thank you to all the La Mama Lovers!
Thank you Hugh Williamson Foundation, Heritage Victoria, City of Melbourne and Form 700.
Thank you Sidney Myer Fund, John T Reid Charitable Trusts, Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation, Gandel Philanthropy and the anonymous donor who matched the $1 million from the State Government. Thank you Minister Foley!
Thank you from all the artists and creative souls, the curious audiences and the generations to come, who will forever be grateful for this moment when we all came together to make history.
For more information and updates on the Rebuild La Mama project go: HERE
We have received:
$756,195 from QBE fire insurance
$1 million from the Victoria State Government through the Community Support Fund
$1 million from philanthropic alliance: Gandel Philanthropy, John T Reid Charitable Trusts, Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation, Sidney Myer Fund and one anonymous donor.
$215,346 in community donations
$100,000 from Form 700
$75,000 from The Hugh Williamson Foundation
$250,000 from Heritage Victoria’s Living Heritage Grants Program.
$30,000 from City of Melbourne
TOTAL RAISED: $3,426,541.

If you have any queries or would like to discuss your donation, please contact Caitlin ( or on (03) 9347 6948.
BEQUESTS: Bequests are a visionary way to support the work of La Mama into the future. A legacy gift of this kind is appreciated with profound gratitude.
If you wish to discuss making a donation to La Mama, leaving a bequest to La Mama, or chat about any other form of philanthropic and/or business partnership please contact Caitlin ( on (03) 9347 6948.
La Mama Theatre is a not-for-profit association incorporated in Victoria, with Australian Taxation Office endorsed Tax Concession Charity and Deductible Gift Recipient status. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. La Mama ABN 74 925 853 734 is on the Register of Cultural Organisations under Subdivision 30-B of the Income Assessment Act 1997.