An immersive live electro-acoustic sound bath experience of the 2019 rainforest fires and the first regrowth.
In Nov 2019 I worked as a community defender against the Mt Nardi rainforest fires in NSW. Stonemaker fungus is a fire-respondent species, emerging within days from the blackened earth. They are a vital stop-gap food source for both First Nations folk and local wildlife. This live electro-acoustic trio is my response to seeing that first, wondrous sign of ecological progression and rejuvenation. Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes, and surrender your senses to this deep, rejuvenating, and hope-filled experience.
LOCATION: Rehearsal hub
Co-Producers: Naima Fine Fine and Miranda Hill
Composer: Naima Fine Fine
Performers: Caerwen Martin – cello, Karen Heath – bass clarinet, and Rosie Excess – live audio manipulation & electro-acoustics.
Image by Naima Fine Fine
Content Warnings: Reference to 2019 bushfires. Some intensely loud sounds and distortion sounds.
Specific accessibility information for this event:
Visual rating: 50% This event is partly subtitled or includes dialogue, background music and/or sounds, so d/Deaf and hard of hearing audiences can have some engagement with the event.
Aural Rating: 75%
Mainly sound-based, with visuals only incidental to the work, so blind or low vision audiences can have close to the full experience of the event.