Sex romps for oldies…with a twist.

Hans lives inside Tom’s mind. He can control Tom in certain circumstances, cause memory loss, and appear as an independent persona. He is an alternative universe version of a condition known as Dissociate Identity Disorder, and he is a leading character in our dark comedy. Feel free to join us as Hans goes after what he feels he’s entitled to, regardless of the effect it has on everyone around him…and when he falls for the local sex therapist things really begin to heat up…especially for Tom…

Enjoy the show!

Author/Director: Leo Taylor

Cast: Ian Rooney/Tom, Christine Husband/ Hans, Josie Eberhard/Christina, Sean Paisly Collins/Mark, Carrie Mozynski/Kath

Access Information:

Visual rating 50%: Events are partly subtitled or include dialogue, background music and/or sounds, so d/Deaf and hard of hearing audiences can have some engagement with the event.

Aural Rating 50%: Has both sound and visual components, but sight isn’t essential to be able to engage with the event.