Lockdown. Melbourne. 2020. A deadly virus. Confinement. Isolation. Punishment. How do you cope?

Melbourne at the height of the repressive laws during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Lockdown and social distancing measures limit outdoor activities to exercise for two people one hour per day, essential shopping food only and prohibit visits from another household. The government legislates penalties and fines. Police patrol streets and parks.

Three mature age gentlemen are breaking the law by meeting in the park for a game of chess. Louis is a recent widower. Charlie is in a moribund marriage. Jack, recently divorced, is spinning out of control. Sally, a policewoman, is just doing her job.

Written by George Spartels

Additional material by John McTernan and Sal Sharah

Directed by George Spartels


Louis played by Richard Piper

Jack by Michael Carmen

Charley by Roger Oakley

Policewoman by Bev Killick

Image by Ivan Gaal and George Spartels

Access Information:

Visual rating 50%: Events are partly subtitled or include dialogue, background music and/or sounds, so d/Deaf and hard of hearing audiences can have some engagement with the event.

Aural Rating 50%: Has both sound and visual components, but sight isn’t essential to be able to engage with the event.