A spiritual physical-comedy about a Fool who ended up becoming a Saint
In 2024, chaos reigns! Battles boom, pockets deepen, and Mother Nature feels forgotten.
Enter Fabio Motta, a thespian-turned-spiritual jester who believes, nay, he KNOWS the secret to attaining world harmony.
With a twinkle in his eye, and a misstep in his stride, Fabio invokes the legendary tale of Italy’s Saint Francis of Assisi to conjure the greatest of all miracles…
Think the Alchemist meets the Pink Panther. Maybe funny, Maybe not…this exploration is a work in progress showing that aims to explore the dance between divinity and stupidity, and the paradox that foolishness can often become divine wisdom.
‘A brilliantly crafted performance wrapped with comic wit…the laughter rolled continuously’
“A genius actor shines through”
– Tricia Zimer (The Weekend notes – review on SPOT)
‘Fabio is able to interchange character with faultless precision. Both vocally and physically. Timing is everything in this show and Fabio is a master of comic timing.’
– Melbourne Observer
Content Warning: Violence
Created and Performed by Fabio Motta
Directed by Emma Gough
Sound Design: Jack Burmeister
Set design: Grace Mallison
Image by Ross Dwyer
This project was creatively supported by Giovanni Fusetti, Zack Fine, James Vinson, Melbourne Actors Guild, Jaime Dorner, Elizabeth Davie, Paul Bourke, Zya Kane, Anna Thomson and Tim Sneddon
Access Information:
Visual rating 50%: Events are partly subtitled or include dialogue, background music and/or sounds, so d/Deaf and hard of hearing audiences can have some engagement with the event.
Aural Rating 50%: Has both sound and visual components, but sight isn’t essential to be able to engage with the event.