Beige must prove her cultural relevance to an Australia unaware of her existence – to fund her art.
Ms Beige Brown, Australia’s foremost feminist performance poet, is forced to fund her art practice by becoming an unwilling ‘Jobseeker’. Now Beige must provide proof of her cultural relevance to an Australia unaware of her existence, to win a new grant and the freedom to pursue poetry. Faced with hoop jumping requirements to articulate ‘artistic excellence’, Beige realises that Much More is needed to make an impact. To convince the local council worthies awarding the grant she needs to Go Beyond her rivals. Beige embarks on an elaborate attempt to reclaim her future and that of permutative performance poetry itself. Can she break open old phallic binaries to let vaginal cave and womb like openings gape gloriously within…?
Content warning: Haze
Lead artist / Poet: Ms Beige Brown
Co-conspirator / Beige’s alter ego: Cathy Hunt
Outside eye /co-conspirator: Shannon Loughnane
Sound design: Jess Keeffe
Lighting design / operated by: Natalya Shield
Vital contributions: Dr Chris Fleming, Amy Kersey, Thomas Schmocker, Yvette de Ravin Turner
Image by Darren Gill
Access Information:

Visual rating 50%: Events are partly subtitled or include dialogue, background music and/or sounds, so d/Deaf and hard of hearing audiences can have some engagement with the event.

Aural Rating 50%: Has both sound and visual components, but sight isn’t essential to be able to engage with the event.