Language: Italian

A tour like no other: Italy’s contradictions and charm imported to Melbourne. 

“The Mice Had No Grandchildren” is an absurd and lighthearted comedy that captures a peculiar world. Its characters are trapped between a culture of obsessive caution, and a general sense of confusion. Walking barefoot or leaving drafts open are deadly dangers, everyone talks too much but understands little of what they say. Here, falsehoods and condescension are acceptable behaviors, perhaps even essential to the social fabric depicted in “The Mice Had No Grandchildren.” In this setting, it’s better not to trust, the ends justify the means, and above all, in a thief’s house, stealing is out of the question. 

Content Warnings: Occasional profanity

Written, Directed and Produced by Roman Flowers Theatre

Cast: Rosa Nix, Nores Cerfeda, Susie Paterno

Image by Darren Gill

Esperienza unica: le contraddizioni e il fascino degli Italiani a Melbourne. 

I topi non avevano nipoti è una commedia assurda e spensierata. I personaggi sono incastrati tra una cultura di prudenza ossessiva, e la confusione generale. Camminare scalzi o lasciare spifferi aperti sono pericoli mortali, tutti parlano troppo, ma nessuno sa di cosa parla. Qui la falsità e l’accondiscendenza sono comportamenti tollerabili, se non addirittura complementari alla formazione sociale dell’Italiano de I topi non avevano nipoti. In questo scenario non fidarsi è meglio, il fine giustifica i mezzi, e soprattutto a casa del ladro non si ruba. 

Scritto, diretto e prodotto da Roman Flowers Theatre

Access Information:

Visual rating 50%: Events are partly subtitled or include dialogue, background music and/or sounds, so d/Deaf and hard of hearing audiences can have some engagement with the event.

Aural Rating 50%: Has both sound and visual components, but sight isn’t essential to be able to engage with the event.