Programming at La Mama
La Mama programs theatre which is contemporary, urgent and ambitious. We want exciting and fresh perspectives. Untold stories. New ways of seeing things. Everyone is welcome at La Mama.
See below an overview of La Mama programming, how it works and application deadlines.
La Mama is a fully programmed venue. It is not a venue for hire.
Each year, La Mama programs 20 Main Season works, 22 Explorations, submits up to 6 Education (VCAA Playlist) shows per year (and presents the number selected by VCAA), 10 Playwriting Festival shows and approximately 4 – 6 Comedy, Fringe and Midsumma Festival shows per year. First Nations work is prioritised across all of these programs.
Main Seasons
La Mama programs two-week seasons across both La Mama HQ and La Mama Courthouse from February – December.
We have two submission closing dates per year for works to be presented approximately 9 – 12 months out. The deadlines are 30 April and 31 August.
We endeavor to get back to you within four months.
Each production receives a $1000 Production Budget, 80% of Box Office, ticketing, venue at no-cost and marketing and technical support.
First Nations
First Nations Producer Glenn Shea curates our First Nations Program. We present First Nations work at the Courthouse in November each year, and are open to programming in Yirramboi Festival and NAIDOC Week, as well as other times throughout the year.
Please contact First Nations Producer Glenn Shea with any questions. (
Each production receives a $1000 Production Budget, 80% of Box Office, ticketing, venue at no-cost and marketing and technical support.
Applications close 30 April and 31 August each year.
Education (VCE Playlist)
Each year, La Mama works with productions to submit to the VCAA for possible selection for the Drama and Theatre Studies Playlists.
Prior to submitting an application to La Mama for the VCAA Playlist, please ensure you have discussed the appropriateness of the work with Learning Producer Maureen Hartley (
If your work is selected by us, Maureen will meet with the production with enough time to together submit the application to VCAA.
Please note that La Mama Education programming is dependent on the VCAA Playlist programming.
Each production receives a $1000 Production Budget, 80% of Box Office, ticketing, and technical support. La Mama facilitates school bookings and payments including the printing of the script, post-show Q&A sessions and pre-exam access to performance footage.
Applications close 31st March the year prior.
La Mama Programs one-week seasons for Midsumma, Comedy and Fringe Festivals each year. Once programmed, La Mama manages the registration and relationship with the festivals.
Application deadlines are:
Midsumma: 30 June year prior
Comedy: 31 August year prior
Fringe: 31 March year of festival.
Each production receives a $1000 Production Budget, 80% of Box Office, ticketing, venue at no-cost and marketing and technical support. Festival Registrations will come out of Production Budgets or Box Office.
From 2024, Explorations will take place in our Winter season, July – September at La Mama HQ.
Explorations celebrates the process of making. Works presented must be in development and presented in a low-pressure context intended to ‘explore.’
Explorations seasons go for three nights. There is little capacity for ambitious design as only one day is allocated for bump in.
Each production receives a $300 Production Budget and 80% of Box Office, ticketing and venue at no cost. La Mama provides a Stage Manager to manage the venue, can operate but not design projection, lighting and sound. La Mama only provides modest marketing support.
Applications close 30 September the year prior.
Playwriting Festival
From 2024, La Mama will hold an annual Playwriting Festival in July at the Courthouse.
The Playwriting Festival will be an opportunity for writers to showcase and test their work and receive critical feedback.
No Production Budget is provided and the team takes 100% of the Box Office. La Mama Provides a Stage Manager and modest marketing support.
Applications close 30 September
From 2024, La Mama has introduced an annually rotating Programming Board who read and assess all scripts and proposals.
Our 2024 Programming Board are Petra Kalive, Rochelle Fong, Noemie Huttner-Koros and Nicki Jam.
The Board is co-Chaired by CEO/Director Caitlin Dullard and First Nations Producer Glenn Shea.
Please APPLY HERE for all of the above programming.
Our La Mamica, La Mama Kids, La Mama Scratch and Pathways program are curated outside of these structures through independent curators who accept proposals year-round.
La Mamica
La Mamica (Poetica, Musica and Cabaretica) is presented once a season, four times a year.
Poetica is curated by Amanda Anastasi (
Musica is curated by Gemma Horbury (
Cabaretica is curated by Isabel Knight (
La Mama Kids
La Mama Kids is presented during school holidays, where possible aligning with Festivals (Midsumma, Comedy, Fringe)
La Mama Kids is curated by Sophia Constantine (
La Mama Scratch
Scratch readings are presented once a season, four times a year. La Mama Scratch is curated by Emma Fawcett(
Pathways and Saturday Playreadings
Our Pathways Program is curated and managed by Pathways and Development Manager Myf Powell. Through this program, La Mama can host private playreadings and workshops to support artist development on Saturdays at La Mama HQ.
Please contact Myf for more information (
Note that the Melbourne Festival of Puppetry and Mother Tongue Festival run biannually (pending funding). Please ensure you are signed up to La Mama e-news to get updates for application deadlines.