Actor-documentary maker Lynne is making a film about homeless women.

It’s an art doco, which intercuts real life characters with Lynne’s re-enactments of them. Her characters include a range of older women from all walks of life who find themselves without a home. Threaded into their stories is Lynne’s journey. As an artist living through a pandemic she faces her own financial crisis. Supported by city soundscapes this is a reading of an early draft of ‘Way’ to assist the development of future drafts towards a production outcome.

Sally McKenzie throws herself into her role. Mother is crazy, but we feel deeply for her as we come to understand why she is crazy. It is an astonishing performance’. – Michael Brindley, Stage Whispers, Betty, Theatre Works.

Written by Sally McKenzie

Dramaturgy by Iain Sinclair

Performed by Sally McKenzie

Sound Design by J David Franzke

Design Concept by Chantal Marks

Image by Jeff Busby

Access Information:

Visual rating 50%: Events are partly subtitled or include dialogue, background music and/or sounds, so d/Deaf and hard of hearing audiences can have some engagement with the event.

100% Aural rating symbol

Aural Rating 100%: Entirely sound-based with no visual elements and can be fully experienced by blind or low vision audiences.

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